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Pharmacy Automation equals return on investment

Time Saved when using the Torbal DRX-500sx vs. Hand Counting
Number of Pill Counting Scripts Per day Rx / day
Number of days in a week the Pharmacy is open Days / week
Average number of pills per script counted Pills / script
Cost of one hour spent on counting $ / Hour
Number of Scripts per week Rx / week 1050
Number of Scripts per year Rx / year 54600
Average time spent on hand counting sec. / script
DRX-500s Counting time per script sec. / script 18.00
Time saved per script when using the DRX-500s sec. / script 19.30
Time saved per year in hours when using the DRX-500s Hours / year 292.72
Dollar value of time saved per year when using the DRX-500s US$ 4373.19
Net Savings after Database Maintenance and Update time spent per year
Number of Drugs in active counting formulary Drugs
Update Frequency Period in days (30,60, or 90) Days
Number of updates in a calendar year   6
Time spent on updating per year in hours hours 11.67
Net Time saved per year in hours when using the DRX-500s hours 281.05
Net Dollar value of time saved per year when using the DRX-500s US$ 4198.89

Services & Support

NTEP Certifications


All models are NTEP - certified as prescription scales with approved pill counting features, and meet handbook 44 requirements for a "Class A" prescription balance.

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General Services Administration


All TORBAL DRX pharmacy scales are available for purchase by Federal Government institutions under GSA contract terms and conditions.

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Toll Free: 1 866-473-6900
Outside of US: (973)473-6900
Fax: (973)777-8302
Scientific Industries
80 Orville Dr.
Bohemia, NY 11716

Hours of Operation:
M-F 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST